
How to boost progress bar percentage in Qualtrics


Qualtrics is great software for designing and distributing surveys, but its progress bar implementation can be a bit finicky. Especially if you have complicated question logic, the progress displayed in the progress bar can differ quite a bit from reality. This is not helpful if you want to keep your respondents engaged. Therefore, it might be necessary to artificially "boost" the progress bar to make the progress bar better reflect the actual survey progress. You can use the following Javascript snippet to increase the position of the progress bar:

var progressBarBoost = 10;
var progressBarElement = document.querySelector(".ProgressBarFill");
var progress = parseInt("%", ""));
var newProgress  = progress + progressBarBoost; = newProgress.toString() + "%";

Add it between the brackets of the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady function. The value of progressBarBoost dictates by how much the progress bar will be boosted. You need to add the snippet to every question for which you want the progress bar to be boostesd.

Note that this snippet only increases the percentage of the progress bar, not the actual progress bar percentage itself.