
How to prevent the truncation of multi-part last names in LaTeX/BibTex


One of the issues I continually run into when writing articles or abstracts is that the last names of the authors I cite get truncated by (Anglo-focussed) citation packages. For example, I want to cite Hans Van de Velde (1996), but packages like the apacite package turn my reference into Velde (1996):

Research by Velde (1996) has shown that [...]

I have no clue why this is the default behaviour, but European (and probably many other) names get completely butchered in this way.

To fix this, you open your bib file (i.e. bibliography.bib) and find the problematic entry:

    title = {Variatie en verandering in het gesproken {Standaard}-{Nederlands} (1935-1993)},
    isbn = {978-90-90-09218-8},
    url = {},
    author = {Van de Velde, Hans},
    year = {1996}

To make sure the last name appears as one full chunk, you have to put double parentheses ({{}}) around the last name in the author field:

author = {{{Van de Velde}}, Hans},

Now, if we look at the citation, it appears correctly:

Research by Van de Velde (1996) has shown that [...]

That's better!